How it Began

In March, 1971, local resident and keen soccer fan, Ted Hutton, surrounded himself with a small band of like minded people and began distributing handwritten leaflets throughout Balga, thereby creating the birth of the Balga Soccer Club.
The response allowed the club to field four teams in junior soccer that year. At first the club was homeless and had to play wherever a “free” ground could be found. On numerous occasions they suffered the humiliation of being ordered off for unauthorised use. This continued until repeated approaches to the City of Stirling gained the club allocation of Camberwell Road Reserve in 1973 and eventually Princess Road Reserve in 1976.
With the allocation of Princess Road Reserve, the club settled down and set about establishing itself in the area and in metropolitan junior soccer. From the start, the club’s administration adopted an expansion programme with the ultimate aim of representation in every age group provided by the Junior Soccer Association. It is a credit to them that this was achieved by 1974 and the club celebrated by figuring handsomely on trophy presentation day. This form was proved in 1975 and 1976 when the club won many junior league championships, R&L Championships and other knockout competitions.
It was the performance of Balga’s junior teams in those years that brought the unwelcome attention of neighbouring, more financial clubs, and resulted in Balga losing the services of talented players who were enticed away by more lucrative offers. Most of these players went on to play in WA’s Premier League in the 1980s, and was proof of Balga’s ability as a “breeding ground”.
Balga’s first venture into senior soccer was in 1973, when the club entered the Third Division of the Amateur Soccer Association, which would be equivalent to today’s WAASSA Second Division league. The club did reasonably well, finishing in 5th position in the 9 team league, and winning 9 games. The reserves finished 3rd.
Our Sponsors
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